Very happy to announce that Catherine performed well at the solo and ensemble competiton today. This was my first experience with solo and ensemble contest, so I wasn't sure what to expect. The middle school where it was held was packed with kids and just a complete hive of activity. We were assigned the gym as our "homeroom" along with about ten other middle schools. There were instruments, teachers, parents, music stands, coats, everywhere. It was really pretty exciting to see so many dedicated instrument players in one place. You had 8th grade boys going to town on violins next to beginners, but everybody there was being judged against themselves. You, your music, your judge.
Catherine played Rigadoon on the cello. She scored a "1" which is just plain AWESOME, and considering that she's been practicing that song since December, you will appreciate it when we BOTH declared: "I don't want to EVER hear that song AGAIN." We bought a new book of music, Disney Solos for Cello at the event, and she's been playing from that since we got home.
But on a side note, I took this picture in the kitchen this morning before we left for the contest and I had to stop and look at it twice. She is all grown up looking. How did that happen?
Aww...she is growing up and precious! Congrats on doing so well.
Catherine's score is SO point from a I+! Just think--next year--a perfect score! You all can be proud!
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