We didn't have the best news at our check up last week. DD has been wearing the TLSO (Boston Brace) faithfully (24-7) as directed since February, but her thoracic curve continues to progress at a rate of 1 degree per month. The orthopedist has sent us back to the orthodist to see if we can adjust the brace, or potentially make a new TLSO brace, OR see if we need to use the dreaded Milwaukee brace to stop the thoracic curve. We have to stop it...the closer it gets to 40 the closer we get to spinal fusion surgery.
We also have an appointment with the specialist at Children's to see what he recommends, and I am trying to move it up from the current end of August. Every month we continue to gain another degree in curve.
I don't like this news. Come on Catherine....
I had it, but mine stopped after puberty. I will keep my fingers crossed for her. When I was 13 my little friend had the first fusion ever for this in a child. She did GREAT! And is still doing great after all that time....
I think I saw on FB the news was somewhat better so hoping things continue to go well...
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