I tried, tried, tried to make the whole "don't cut anything out and just date the inserts" method a go, but alas, the crazy organizer in me could not stand it.
I wanted to see what coupons I had, not just refer to them when a sale came along. I always seemed to find something for sale that wasn't planned on my trips to the store and my stack of coupons was at home. You know, sometimes in life we have to buy something when it isn't actually on sale. I didn't have any quick, real time access to places like couponmom.com (my cell is a smartphone but not that fast).
So last night I went a-clipping. I know, I have gone over to the Dark Side of the Coupon Force, but I couldn't help it. It is SEDUCING ;-) And I had a new pair of REALLY sharp scissors.
Lo and behold! I found that in any given insert only about 10-12 coupons were anything I wanted (I don't have a pet, children in diapers, or that into makeup). So I'd been saving these stacks of inserts for no real reason. And I did ask myself, what if we got this for FREE? And some items, even free, I know I won't use and don't want to store.
And I tell you, I kind of LIKE the attention that massive binder brings me in the grocery store. I have a pretty mundane life. Take it when you can get it!
So here it is, in all its soon to be tab-divided glory (need to go to Wal-Mart today to get dividers).
Oh wait, my husband took the camera to cub scout Olympics. Okay, I promise when he gets back.
PS: I did the Living Well Promo Catalina at Dominicks yesterday and walked out with $200 worth of groceries for $90 AND $30 in coupons towards my next purchase. But NEVER AGAIN at Dominicks. Sorry Safeway fans, but there is no accurate Dominicks coupon deal watcher I've found in the Chicago suburbas that accurately reflects my particular store. Safeway bargains in another state or even another part of Chicagoland are nothing like what my Dominicks (Safeway chain) has here, and they often OFTEN switch the sale items around so when I look online I see one deal and in the store another. Don't get me started on the catalina for Living Well. The ENTIRE brand of a listed product was labelled as part of the deal on the shelf when we ALL know it is only some varieties. It made me nuts and I had to go the the CS desk and get one of my $10 coupons because they were so screwed up.
But the checkout man liked my binder. He said I was a "smart shopper." So all wasn't lost!