Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wonderful things come in threes!

Yesterday was a very good day.

My company has been having a series of quarterly layoffs and the latest hit our department this week. My boss called to tell me that I AM NOT getting laid off. This is wonderful news and a great relief for all the stress I have been under the last few weeks.

My sister called in the afternoon to tell me that she won't be attending Thanksgiving with us this year (to which I replied huh?) because she is having a baby in November!!

My son came home from school with an envelope from his teacher. Inside were his COGAT scores (it's an IQ test). He'd qualified for gifted math in the fall. He was ecstatic!

Three bits of great news in what had started off as a pretty down day. We all went home and ate ourselves sick on imported Swiss chocolate.

Which I had purchased....without a coupon!

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